“There are two old women being held inside by their poor family… they are sick and the family thinks that they are witches. Can you help them?”

This was the message that the leaders of the Bomso Church of Christ Clinic received in December 2020. The community had learned of the clinic’s outreach to the aged, initiated to help the at-risk population unable to travel for medical services because of COVID. A food seller in the Bukrom community, a very poor section of Kumasi, reported these two women to our ministry in order that they might receive medical help for their conditions.

It was not easy to gain access to these women, but when our medical team visited them, they found the women in need of some basic medical care. They also found the family in need of education about the power of Christ and our need to trust in Him. The improvement in the condition of both women helped validate the message that the outreach team was communicating. Bible studies continue with the family and the chaplain is seeing a great openness for the Gospel with this family.

Please pray this ministry continues to shine the light of God’s mercy to the hurting and lost in Kumasi!