African Christian Healthcare is the supporting / facilitating organization for seven medical mission points in Africa. We place an emphasis on training, equipping, and empowering African health practitioners and community health facilitators to be able to treat and minister to their neighbors. This, we believe, creates an opportunity for lasting change and far-reaching impact in countries that are in need of both physical and spiritual care.

Bomso Church of Christ Mission Hospital (Kumasi) & Yendi Church of Christ Mission Clinic
Both clinics are staffed by nationals with an aim at training Primary Health Care workers who will be able to promote health in their own villages. This training focuses on outreach programs to promote immunization programs and increasing remote village care. A full-time evangelist works with each clinic; leading to hundreds of people giving their lives to the Lord each year.
Bomso Church of Christ Mission Hospital
The Bomso Church of Christ Mission Clinic, located in the heart of the thriving Kumasi metropolitan area, was awarded hospital status in May 2021. The hospital now provides surgical services, inpatient and outpatient care, a maternity center, ultrasonography, a specialized eye unit, and a full-service medical laboratory. The Hospital conducts mobile outreaches to villages and to the prison population throughout the Ashanti Region. The Hospital is also planning to add a dental unit and a specialized pediatrics center in the near future.
Yendi Church of Christ Mission Clinic
The Yendi Church of Christ Medical Clinic is located in the Northern Region of the country. Located in one of the poorest areas in the country, it offers both outpatient and inpatient treatment, a maternity center, and it is renowned for its wound care services. This clinic serves up to 300 patients a day, and also conducts mobile medical outreaches to Dagomba villages and the local prison. It is planning to add a surgical center in the near future.
Nigerian Christian Hospital
Our first hospital, Nigerian Christian Hospital (NCH), was established in 1965, and it is a leading hospital in Abia State. Famous for its surgical services, NCH also has over 100 inpatient beds and provides comprehensive care including pediatrics, maternity, an eye unit, and cancer treatment.
Palmer Memorial Hospital
Palmer Memorial Hospital is located in Ikot-Usen, in the Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. This hospital currently has 40 beds and provides full-service care to the community, including maternity and surgical services. Due to high demand, the hospital is constructing a new, larger facility that will more than double its current size.
Tanzania Christian Clinic
Located in Monduli, the Tanzania Christian Clinic’s primary aim is to serve the Maasai tribe of Northern Tanzania. Established by Drs. Danny and Nancy Smelser in 2008, this facility offers an outpatient clinic, a maternity center, x-ray, ultrasonography, and laboratory services.
Mwanza Community Health Project
This health project, working with the Sukuma tribal group in Tanzania, seeks to equip local churches to promote good health from the grassroots level. This is accomplished by training men and women to teach interactive, reproducible, and wholistic health lessons that address the core issues that lead to poor health outcomes, especially sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition.