Yes!!! I want to bless mothers in Africa this Mother's Day!

As we approach Mother’s Day, we are especially mindful of all of the mothers who not only sacrificed with the physical aspects of having and caring for a baby but also the mothers and families who sacrificed financially to pay the cost of having that baby.

In Africa, the desire to have a healthy baby is just as strong as in the U.S., but unfortunately, the medical infrastructure lacks a lot.  Because of this shortage of resources, Africa has the highest level of infant mortality in the world. That’s why at six of our clinics and hospitals we offer maternity services. In this tough and challenging environment our doctors and nurses go to great lengths to provide quality health care to women giving birth.

The costs associated with giving birth in Africa are a lot less than in the US…a fraction really. Unfortunately, the African income and wealth is also a fraction of the resources most Americans have at their disposal.

In honor or memory of your mother, grandmother, or another important mother in your life, will you consider helping us provide quality maternity care in Africa?

If you wish, we will also notify a mother you wish to honor of your gift.

In honor of mothers everywhere,

African Christian Hospitals

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